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Australia Itself

On a map of australia, indicate and name locations that are significant in the study of the Australian megafauna.

Construct a simple timeline from the cretaceous period(approximately 150 million years ago) indicating animals that existing in australia, climate, vegetation and location.


Climate:       australia had a cool, wet climate. some weeks during the year had icy polar winter which was shrouded in semi darkness.


setting:         a shallow sea known as the eromanga sea covered practically a third of australia.


Vegetation:  Towering conifer forests covered much of Australia. Smaller plants such as ferns, gingkoes, cycads, clubmosses and horsetails created an understorey. The first flowering plants had begun to bloom. 


Animals:     Giant reptiles - the dinosaurs - ruled the land. Flying reptiles shared the skies with early forms of birds. Giant marine reptiles inhabited the seas. Australia's first mammals, giant ceatures as big as the dinosaurs, first appeared.


Location:    australia was still a part of gondwana and as such was connected to antarctica, new zealand and south america.     



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